Saturday, July 24, 2010

I really dont know what to tell,
I am lost as where to start,
What converse to begin with,
I should just Say I miss you.

I miss you like the baby misses the cuddle from mommy,
I miss you like the kid searching for fathers lap,
the kids miss the cuddle and lap
and start searching for that in night mare.

I miss you like the clouds miss the sun in the sky,
They just see up for the sun and cry
Fall as raindrops to the ground
and lost in the earth vast area.

I miss you like the tree which has no leaves
No birds on it to sing and chirp,
leaves scattered and withered
nothing to sway nor to shelter for.

I miss you like a lover torn away,
From the one she cares for and thinks of each day,
When she reaches for his hand, and when she reaches for his kiss,
And theres nothing there, only memories of this,

I  miss you my love,
I miss he cuddle,
I miss the hug,
I miss the kiss I  miss you baby for everything


  1. i miss u like a forest frost on a summer day,
    i miss u like a morning ray on winter dark ,
    i miss u like a bird strayed the way ,
    i miss the feeling i missed u ...

    lovely poem Roopa
